Hickman Menashe

Will, Trusts & Estate Planning

Lynnwood and Bellevue Will, Trusts & Estate Planning Attorneys

Figures as of 2019

Everett and Seattle Area Estate Planning and Incapacity Planning Attorneys

We can’t predict or control the future, but we can plan for the inevitable. Incapacity planning and proper estate planning are among the most helpful things you can do for yourself and your family. In many cases, advanced estate planning can reduce or eliminate federal and state estate taxes that would otherwise be due. Whether your estate is large or modest, we can assist you in this important planning. Contact the Law Office of Hickman Menashe, P.S. to start planning your future.

At Hickman Menashe, P.S., we provide:

If you don’t plan your future, the state has planned it for you

If you become incapacitated and have not prepared the proper documents, your finances and health care could be administered under court supervision. A hospital committee and a judge may decide what happens in your final moments.

Likewise, if you don’t have a will, the state has already determined by statute who will get your property. If you have minor children, or a disabled spouse or adult child, the state could appoint someone to administer their finances and make important life decisions for them.

Take charge of your future through proper planning

Our job as your attorneys is to put you in control of your future. Our attorneys can help you place decision-making authority in the hands of trusted loved ones or professionals and keep your affairs out of the court system.

Estate planning documents may include:

Contact Us

For a private consultation with an experienced attorney, contact our office by e-mail or call us at 425-744-5658. For client convenience, we have a second office in Bellevue. We offer flexible meeting times to accommodate your schedule. Home and hospital visits can be arranged, if necessary. Our offices are accessible to persons with disabilities.

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